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> Products
> Height Safety
> Rope and Rope Accessories
> Rope Accessories
> Ferno Rope Protectors
Product Name: Ferno Rope Protectors
Ferno Product Code: VAS ROP PROT**
Ferno provide various styles of rope protectors that prevent rope damage on sharp, abrasive, or dirty edges and help prolong the life of your rope and slings.
Rope protectors are available in heavy-duty, flat or in a lighter duty wraparound.
For additional security and rope protection in situations where
aggressive edges or repeated sidewards movement is anticipated,
a Kevlar-lined version and an internal leather version are available.
Code |
Description |
Rope Protector - Light Duty |
VAIROPPROTINDFLAT | Rope Protector - Flat |
VAI ROPPROT KEVLAR | Rope Protector - Kevlar Flat |
VAIROPPROTINDWRAP | Rope Protector - Wraparound |
VAI ROP PROT LEA | Rope Protector - Leather Wraparound |