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> Products
> Height Safety
> Ascenders, Grabs and Adjusters
> Grabs and Adjusters
> ISC Rope Grab with Pip Pin
Product Name: ISC Rope Grab with Pip Pin
Ferno Product Code: VISC RP20*
Available with fixed axle or in-field detachable pip pin axle to allow fitting to the rope at any point.
Two sizes available to suit either 11 mm to 13 mm or 14 mm to 16 mm semi-static ropes.
Codes |
ISC Rope Grab Variation |
VISC RP203A | 10.5 -13 mm Fixed Axle |
VISC RP204A | 14 -16 mm Fixed Axle |
VISC RP205A | 14 -16 mm Pip Pin |
VISC RP209A | 10.5 - 13 mm Pin Pin |
- Approved EN 353-2; EN358