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Product Name: SAM Junctional Tourniquet (SJT)
Ferno Product Code: SAM-SJT102
The SAM Junctional Tourniquet (SJT) is designed to control bleeding where traditional tourniquets would not be effective such as with IED/Blast injuries and high level amputations. It can also be used as a pelvic splint.
The SJT is particularly effective when used to control haemorrhage in the inguinal or axilla areas where time is of the essence. This is due to its compact design and ease of use which enables the SJT to be applied in four steps, within an average time of 25 seconds.
The SAM Junctional Tourniquet incorporates the best of both mechanical and pneumatic approaches to haemorrhage control. All materials are radiolucent, except the buckle’s two stainless steel springs, allowing for X-rays and CT-scans without removal.
- A strong mechanical buckle component which controls baseline pressure and eliminates slack. Unlike the Pelvic Sling, the AUTOSTOP buckle on the SJT does not lock to allow adjustments as required
- A pneumatic Target Compression Device (TCD) which inflates quickly to minimise patient blood loss. The TCD Extender (the T-Bar shaped component) is useful for its ability to provide deper compression
- Designed to prevent under and over-tightening, ensuring the clinically correct force is applied
- The Target Compression Device has a built-in pressure release valve to prevent overinflation at altitude
- A second TCD can be added to the SAM Junctional Tourniquet to occlude bilateral blood flow if required
- Stabilises pelvic fractures
- Easy to use and quick to deploy
- Radiolucent
Product Variations
- SAM-SJT102: SAM Junctional Tourniquet with Extender
- SAM-SJT101: SAM Juncitional Tourniquet without Extender or Auxilliary Strap
Specification |
Metric |
Imperial |
Height |
30.5 cm |
12 in |
Width | 19.1 cm | 7.5 in |
Depth | 11.4 cm | 4.5 in |
Weight | 615.2 g | 21.7 oz |
Operating Principle
Optimal force is reached when 150kN of circumferential pressure is attained, which extends the prongs from the SAM AUTOSTOP Buckle through the Precision Strap. Pressure is maintained by fixing the strap to the Velcro.
View the SJT brochure and instructions
SJT TRAINING | Subclavian Application
SJT TRAINING | Groin Application