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> Products
> Emergency and Rescue
> Rescue Stretchers
> Emergency Stretchers
> Ferno 12-2 Series Aviation Stretcher
Product Name: Ferno 12-2 Series Aviation Stretcher
Ferno Product Code: FWE-12-2; FWE12-2A; FWE12-21T
The Model 12-2 is Ferno Aviation's most popular aeromedical litter. It is a lightweight, simple and rugged litter with an array of custom accessories available.
Standard features include:
- Folding for storage
- FAA-approved vinyl and 25mm patient mattress
- Low profile roller on three axles
- Head raising capability
- Fastener / Restraint studs (two each on both ends).
- FAA-approved stretcher pads (50mm and 75mm)
- FAA-approved shoulder harness assembly
- Custom adapters for various isolettes and other accessories.
Model Code |
Features |
FWE12-2 | FAA-approved cover / 25mm mattress plus two standard restraints |
FWE12-2A | FAA-approved cover / 25mm matatress plus two FAA-approved restraints |
FWE12-2IT | Incubator Transport variant |
All 12-2 variants |
Width | 460 mm |
Height | 76 mm |
Weight | 9.5 kg |
Load Capacity | 159 kg |
Ferno Aviation stretchers are not supplied with a certificate of approval for aircraft application. This is the responsibility of the customer in conjunction with an engineer due to issues such as the aircraft structure, fastener or retention system and patient restraint system.