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> Products
> Emergency and Rescue
> Patient Handling
> Patient Restraint Systems
> Ferno KangooFix
Product Name: Ferno KangooFix Neonatal Restraint System
Ferno Product Code: BRH-KANGOOFIX
The Kangoofix allows for the safe and effective transfer of other and baby together in close contact, eliminating the need to use two ambulance vehicles and crew.
The Kangoofix inner harness and warming cover ensures breathability and comfort with Oeko-Tex 100 material which is clinically tested to ensure no reaction on baby's skin.
- Snug cocoon design and integrated skull cap keeps baby warm and secure.
- Five point outer harness attaches to the stretcher harness.
- A quick-release system and 'face-up' mode allows the midwife or paramedic to monitor the baby.
- System allows close contact between mother and baby - clinically proven benefits in patient management and mother and baby's condition during transfers.
- Lightweight and easy to store - only 1 kg.
- Easy to clean - just pop in a wash bag and use standard detergents.
- Safest system on the market - Tested to EN1789 (10G) and TSFS2010:2 (20G)
- KangooFix Inner Harness: 710 mm (L) x 580 mm (W) x 40 mm (H) x 0.12 kg weight
- KangooFix Heat Bag & Skull Cap: 430 mm (L) x 360 mm (W) x 40 mm (H) x 0.19 kg weight
- KangooFix Neck/Back Support Plate: 250 mm (L) x 130 mm (W) x 40 mm (H) x 0.12 kg
- KangooFix Restraints/Buckle: 1100 mm (L) x 930 mm (W) x 24 mm (H) x 0.58 kg weight