Product Name: Medkids Paediatric Backboard Sleeve
Ferno Product Code: BRH-677

The Medkids Paediatric Backboard Sleeve fits over standard adult backboards and functions in a similar way to the Medkids Baby Board to help maintain cervical neutral alignment with larger infants from 5 kg to 27 kgs.

It accommodates the wide range of thoracic elevation requirements without any extra padding and features a palm style pump with an air release valve for precise inflation and deflation. The sleeve has a versatile patient strap configuration with an adjustable three-point harness system.

The backboard sleeve is X-ray translucent and made of durable Cordura.

Key Features:

  • Adjustable to fit over standard adult backboards
  • Rolls into a small, self-contained carrying case for storage
  • Crescent-shaped compressible head blocks allow access and visual monitoring of the ears while maintaining immobilisation
  • Designed for infants and children ranging from 5 kg to 27 kg