Emergency and Rescue
- Ambulance Systems
- Patient Handling
- Immobilisation / Motion Restriction
- Trauma / Airway Kits
- Airway / Oxygen
- Defibrillation / Diagnostic
- BLS / ALS Packs & Cases
Casualty Room
- Rescue Manikins and Accessories
- Rescue Stretchers
- Water Rescue
- Edge / Retrieval Rescue Gear
- Tactical Evacuation
Rescue Tools / Knives
- Disaster Emergency PPE
Height Safety
- Lanyards/Fall Blocks/Slings
Height Safety & Life Line Kits
- Roof Anchors / Ladder Brackets & Systems
- Rescue and Retrieval
Descenders and Back-up Devices
- Ascenders, Grabs and Adjusters
- Belays, Pulleys and Ancillary Hardware
- Karabiners / Maillons / Hooks
- Rope and Rope Accessories
- Webbing and Harness Accessories
- Recreational Climbing
- Mortuary
Product Name: Sam Pelvic Sling
Ferno Product Code: SVSP-S; SVSP-M; SVSP-L
The SAM Pelvic Sling II is the only force controlled circumferential pelvic belt scientifically proven in peer reviewed studies to safely and effectively reduce and stabilise open-book pelvic ring fractures.
It will not over or under tighten providing the, clinically proven, appropriate force to be applied to the patient. The SAM Pelvic Sling II is compact, easy to use and quick to apply. Its durable, radiolucent, MRI safe and can be cleaned for re-use with common detergents or anti-microbial solutions.
The standard size fits 98% of the adult population. Available in military OD green.
- Size Small: SVSP-S
- Size Standard: SVSP-M
- Size Large: SVSP-L
The Adventures of Sam Medic – SAM Pelvic Sling II
SAM Pelvic Sling II – Transferring Patient to a backboard
More videos available on Ferno Australia's YouTube channel