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> Products
> Emergency and Rescue
> Immobilisation / Motion Restriction
> Cervical & Head Immobilisation
> Laerdal Stifneck Collar
Product Name: Laerdal Stifneck Collar
Ferno Product Code: LAER-980*
The Laerdal Stifneck Collar with outstanding motion restriction and optimal sizing. The Stifneck extrication collar remains the standard of care for suspected cervical spine injuries.
- Easy access for pulse check, advanced airway procedures and visualisation through oversized trachea hole
- Radiolucent, MRI and CT scan compatible
- Outstanding motion restriction without hyperextension or limiting access to airway
- Provides optimal size selection with simple, accurate finger-sizing method and colour codes
- Fits entire patient population with four adult sizes and two paediatric sizes
Code |
Collar Size |
LAER-980600 |
Adult tall |
LAER-980500 | Adult regular |
LAER-980400 | Adult short |
LAER-980300 | Adult no neck |
LAER-980200 | Paediatric |
LAER-980100 | Baby no neck |