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> Products
> Emergency and Rescue
> Airway / Oxygen
> Bag Mask Resuscitators
> Ferno Resuscitation Masks
Product Name: Ferno Resuscitation Masks
Ferno Product Code: RRMM*
Ferno Reusable Masks have a see through body with a unique multi-function mask cover that provides an airtight seal while providing patient comfort.
- Available in reusable or single use
- Fits standard 15/22 mm connectors
- Latex Free, hypo-allergenic materials
- Single Use Masks are contoured with an anatomically shaped cushion for patient comfort and a gas tight low pressure seal
RRMM-5 - Adult Reusable
RRMM-4 - Child/Adult Reusable
RRMM-3 - Child Reusable
RRMM-2 - Infant/child Reusable
RRMM-1 - Infant Reusable
RRMM-0 - Infant Reusable
RRMM-A - Adult Single Use
RRMM-C - Child Single Use
RRMM-I - Infant Single Use